Kamis, 21 Mei 2015

Pembelajaran di Laboratorium Fisika

How  the direction of light change when propagating from air to water ?

Concept :
A transparent material and curved shape can be used as a lens. Light can be refracted when propagating through a different medium.

Materials needed :
·         A transparent vessel containing water
·         Bowl
·         Water
·         Ruler
·         Coin
·         Flashlight
·         Pensil
·         Black paper

Diskusi :
·         What is meant by the lens ?
·         how the lens use ?
·         how light rays are affecting the appearance of objects in the water ?
·         how to change the direction of light rays?
·         how to bend light rays?

Learning Activities :

Part – 1. (This activity is done in pairs)
Hypothesis :
How does the appearance of a pencil partly immersed in a vessel filled with water ?
1.      Put lymph vessel on the table and fill with enough water.
2.      insert a pencil into the water.
            Observation :
1.      Observe how the shape of sightings pencil.
2.      How to change the appearance of the form of pencil ?
3.      whether part of the pencil in the water is greater than the parts that do not get into the water?

Part – 2.
Put the bowl on the table and insert a coin into the bowl. Request at some of the learners
to observe coins, furthermore, they have to retreat until the coin invisibles from view.

Hypothesis :
Can coin seen again, if learners do not change its position as the observer and the water is filled into the bowl ?

Designing Experiments :
The other learners must fill the water into the bowl slowly until the coin looks back.

Hypothesis :
whether coin seen more clearly than ever before ?

Application :
How water change the course of the light rays of the coin to the viewer's eye?

Inference :
What conclusions can be drawn based on the two experiments that have been done?

Teacher records :
After doing the activity, the teacher can present the following picture.

Part – 3.
Learners investigate the nature of light propagation using a flashlight, aquarium and other materials. Poposed experimental design with a sketch or charts trial.

sumber :

Ridwan, A. S.2013. Inovasi Pembelajaran. Jakarta : Bumi Aksara.

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